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mAirListDB Networked SQL Connection Setup

This tutorial shows how to set up the connection to an SQL server and initialize an empty mAirListDB database on that server.

This article only covers the “true” (networked) SQL backends: PostgreSQL, MSSQL, MySQL. For the “local mode” database (SQlite), setup instructions are available in a separate tutorial.

Server Setup

You must prepare your SQL server for use with mAirListDB first. In particular we will need:

  • An empty database (no tables created yet!)
  • A user + password to access that database, with sufficient credentials (often the owner of the database)

Setup instructions are very similar for each SQL server type, but we have separate tutorials available for that:

Please set up the server first according to your particular SQL flavor, then return to this article to see instructions for the client setup. In this tutorial we will use PostgreSQL as an example.

Initial Setup (First Client Computer)

Additional Client Computers

tutorials/mairlistdb/sql-client-setup.1505803410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/09 16:19 (external edit)

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