Table of Contents

File Recorder

Using the File Recorder, you can create timed recordings, from any soundcard input or the encoder master signal.

The File Recorder was introduced in mAirList Professional Studio 6.0.


The File Recorder can be found in the mAirList System Menu, next to the mAirList button in the Main Toolbar. The File Recorder window shows a list of active and past recordings, with the ability to manually add a new recording, or stop any running recording:

The Clean Up button will remove all finished recordings from the list.

Manual Recordings

To start a new recording manually, click the Add button in the File Recorder window. A dialog will appear:

The recording will start as soon as you click OK. You can stop it manually by selecting it in the list, then clicking Stop in the toolbar.

Timed Recordings

The File Recorder can also be used to make timed, automated recordings, using the Start recording and Stop recording actions, e.g. in the Event Scheduler, or as Actions on start or Actions on stop in the playback settings of any playlist item.

Start recording

Starting a recording is done using the Start recording action, found in the File Recorder section of any Add Action menu.

In the properties dialog of that action, you will see the same settings as described in the section on manual recording above.


Stop recording

Use the Stop recording action to stop any running recording. Enter the same Recording ID as being used in the matching Start recording action. You can also use * as a wildcard to stop all running recordings.