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How to Translate mAirList Into Other Languages

The graphical user interface of mAirList is in English, but can easily be translated into other languages using the techniques described in this document.

A couple of translation files (currently German and French) are included by default with each installation of mAirList. In the following you will learn how to create a translation file for another language.

How translation works

mAirList uses a Delphi port of the GNU gettext translation toolkit. When you start mAirList, it will determine the desired language is set up in the config (or use the default language of your Windows system), and then check if there is a translation file present for that language in the program folder. If this is the case, it will use the translations from that file instead of the English original every time a text is displayed somewhere.

  • default.pot - This is the so-called translation template. It contains the list of original English strings, but no translations. The template is supplied with each mAirList installation (since v4.4), and can be found in the mAirList program folder.
  • mAirList.po - This is the actual translation file that contains both the English strings and the translated strings. It is actually a text file, so you can open it in a text editor to explorer its contents. For editing it is recommended to use a special software though, e.g. poEdit, see below.
  • - This is the compiled binary version of the .po file. It it generated automatically every time you save the .po file in poEdit. The application uses this binary .mo file because it allows faster access than the text file.

Preparing the translation

Do the actual work

New program versions

tutorials/other/translation.1412847731.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/09 16:19 (external edit)

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