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mAirListDB Server

A networked mAirListDB set involves two types of servers:

  • An SQL server (PostgreSQL, MSSQL) to hold the metadata for the audio files and scheduling information (library, playlists)
  • One or more network drives where the actual audio files are located

This works very well for situations where all computers are within the same LAN and can access both the SQL server and the network shares.

Accessing the mAirListDB from outside the LAN, i.e. from the Internet, is very difficult though. In particular, access to the network shares is almost impossible from outside a NAT router without setting up a VPN.

This is where mAirListDB Server comes into play. It encapsulates the access to the SQL server and the audio files through a single TCP connection that can be shared through any NAT-enabled router.

How it works

mAirListDB Server is built into mAirList.exe but runs as a standalone process. It creates a HTTP/HTTPS server (on one or two TCP ports) that listens for incoming requests from clients. The TCP ports can easily be forwarded on your NAT router so that road-warrior type clients can connect from anywhere on the Internet.

The HTTP server is not intended for use with a web browser, but instead, the client computer must have a compatible copy of mAirList installed, and set up a “mAirListDB (Internet Client)” connection accordingly. Thereafter, the client user can run the mAirListDB application to connect to the mAirListDB server and work with the database as usual.

Most functions of mAirListDB can be used with such a mAirListDB Server connection, including:

  • Library editing
  • Playlist editing
  • Scheduling
  • Pre-listening and on-air playback of audio files
  • File upload
  • Voice tracking

A couple of things are not available when connecting through mAirListDB Server:

  • Storage synchronization (needs direct access to the storage network share)
  • Database cloning (needs direct access to the SQL server)

On the client side, you can not only use the mAirListDB application to work with the database, but you can also access the database from the mAirList playout application. When you load a playlist or drag a file from the DB library into the playout window, it will be downloaded from the mAirListDB server, stored in a temporary file on your hard drive, and automatically deleted after playback. (Please keep in mind that there may be delays depending on the Internet connection speed between the server and the client.)

Use cases

mAirListDB server extends the range of your networked mAirListDB intallation to outside your LAN.

Remote studios

If you have more than one studio location, and the remote studios cannot access the LAN of the primary location, mAirListDB server can be used to connect those studios to the main audio and scheduling library. If you have a lot of accesses to audio files, it is recommended that you keep a sync'd copy of all audio files on a local server at each location (e.g. using rsync), and use mAirListDB storage redirection to point the client to that copy. This will speed up access to the audio files significantly.

Road-warrior DJs

Some stations have DJs who do library editing and scheduling tasks from their home, or wherever they are. With mAirListDB server, you can give these people access to the database from any location. It is even possible to do voice tracking from the remote location, and upload the files to the mAirListDB server instantly.

Internet radio

In a typical internet radio scenario with multiple DJs who all work and broadcast from their home, mAirListDB Server can be used to set up a common audio library that can be shared by all DJs. In particular, the owners of the radio can share a music library with their DJs giving them acccess to the actual files, or even giving them a copy of the entire library (both of which would be a legal issue in most countries).

Setting up mAirListDB Server

Setting up the mAirListDB Client computer

tutorials/mairlistdb/mairlistdb-server.1411725107.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/09 16:19 (external edit)

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