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skin.ini Reference

General Notes

File format and location

The skin.ini file must be located in the config folder, along with the other ini files managed by the configuration software (e.g. mAirList.ini). You must create it manually using a text editor.

The file uses the typical syntax for .ini files:



The available section names and key names are given in the reference below.


All colors are specified in HTML color format, with six hex digits, e.g. #FF0000.


For all fonts, there are four available settings:

FontName Name of the font, e.g. Arial
FontSize Size in pixels
FontColor Font color in HTML format
FontStyle 1 = bold, 2 = italic, 4 = underline, 8 = strikeout; add numbers to combine styles, e.g. 5 = bold+underline

In the reference below, we will only give the base name of the font setting, e.g. TitleFont – the available settings are then TitleFontName, TitleFontSize, TitleFontColor and TitleFontStyle.

Common Settings

Progress bar colors

The following settings can be used to change the appearence of the progress bar in the Playlist, Player, Cartwall and ProgressBar (for the global progress bar) sections.

ProgressBarElapsedColor Elapsed section
ProgressBarOutroColor Outro section
ProgressBarRemainColor Remaining section
ProgressBarRamp1Color Ramp1 remaining section
ProgressBarRamp2Color Ramp2 remaining section
ProgressBarRamp3Color Ramp3 remaining section
ProgressBarElapsedRampColor Elapsed ramp section
ProgressBarBorderColor Border around the progress bar and between parts in split mode
ProgressBarIdleColor Fill color when player is empty
ProgressBarIdleBorderColor Border when player is empty


InactiveColor Background color when player is empty
InactiveBorderColor Border color when player is empty
BackgroundColor General background color
NormalColor General waveform color
FocusedColor General waveform color when waveform has focus
CueColor Color of waveform before Cue In
PlayedColor Color of elapsed part
CueDataColor Color of cue data markers
CueMarkerLineWidth Width of the cue position/marker lines
CuePositionFont Font for cue position times (color is set automatically for cue markers)
PositionColor Color of current playback position line
PositionLineWidth Width of current playback position line
EnvelopeColor Background color of volume envelope
EnvelopeLineColor Line color of volume envelope
EnvelopeBoxColor Color of volume envelope nodes/boxes
EnvelopeLineWidth Width of volume envelope lines
FadeLineWidth Width of fade triangle lines
TimelineColor Color of timeline scale
TimelineFont Font for timeline scale
TimelineBackgroundColor Background color of timeline scale
TitleFont Font for item title
TitleBackgroundColor Background color for item title


The following settings apply to all “graphical” buttons (not standard Windows buttons), e.g. the start/stop/… buttons of the players, and toolbars built from these buttons (e.g the playlist control bar).

UseGradient Use gradient fill? Default: off
<State>Color The background color
<State>GradientColor The gradient background color (if UseGradient is enabled)
<State>BorderColor The border color
<State>Font The font to use (for buttons that have text)

The available states are:

Active Button is active
ActiveHover Button is active, and mouse pointer is inside button
Inactive Button is inactive
InactiveHover Button is inactive, and mouse pointer is inside button
Disabled Button is disabled

:!: Unfortunately, the following option is currently not available due to changes in mAirlist skin programming.
You can also leave out the <State> part in the rule name to adjust the settings for all states at the same time.

The button settings are prefixed by a particular button identifier as specified below, e.g. PlayButtonActiveFontName.

Button toolbars

The following settings apply to all toolbars made of graphical buttons – currently only used for the Cartwall toolbar. The individual buttons can be adjusted by prepending their <ID> to the particular settings.

Height Height of the toolbar
FullWidth Use all available horizontal space?
BackgroundColor Background color
<ID>ButtonVisible Set to off in order to hide the button
<ID>ButtonMarginLeft Left margin in pixels
<ID>ButtonMarginRight Right margin in pixels
<ID>ButtonMarginTop Top margin in pixels
<ID>ButtonMarginBottom Bottom margin in pixels
<ID>ButtonCaption Button caption (for buttons that display a text)

Tree/list colors

All tree- and list-like components (e.g. the playlist, browsers, …) have a couple of common settings that can be used in the appropriate settings:


Main Window

General settings

For the general settings, use the section [MainWindow].

Color General background color
Background Full filename of a background image to use; works only in custom layout mode


The section [Toolbar] controls the appearance of the toolbar in the main playout window.

Visible on or off (default: on)
List In “List” mode, small icons are used, with the text next to them; default: off
Captions Show button captions? default: on
AutoSize Automatically adjust size? default: off

You can also hide the individual buttons in the toolbar (and the separators between them) by setting any of the following values to off:

ShowNew New button
ShowOpen Open button
ShowSave Save button
ShowSeparator0 Separator between Save and Insert
ShowInsert Insert button
ShowProperties Properties button
ShowDelete Delete button
ShowSeparator1 Separator between Delete and Actions
ShowActions Actions button (if Menu Actions are defined)
ShowEvents Events button
ShowCartwall Cartwall button
ShowMixEditor Mix Editor button
ShowVoiceTracking Voice Tracking button
ShowBrowser Browser button
ShowSeparator2 Separator between Browser and mAirList
ShowAbout mAirList button


Use section [Playlist] for settings that will effect all playlists, [Playlist0] only for the first playlist, [Playlist1] for the second, and so on.

Row appearance

The following settings can be used to change the appearance of the rows in the playlist:

DefaultRowColor The default row background color (if no other entry matches)
<Selector>RowColor The background color
<Selector>RowPadding The row padding (extra space between text and cell boundary)
<Selector>Font The font to be used

About selectors

Selectors allow you to specify settings that only affect particular rows, based on their type, state, etc. If you are familiar with HTML/CSS, this is pretty much like HTML classes and CSS class selectors.

For example, to change only the font of the “Title” column, use:


Another example: Set the background to red for all items that are currently playing:


You can also combine the various selector options – change the font style of the “Title” column for items that are currently playing:


Generally, the selector for RowColor and RowPadding rules has the following form:

[Alternate]<Player State><Item Type><Item Class><Level>

For Font rules, there is an extra Font Category component:

[Alternate]<Player State><Item Type><Item Class><Font Category><Level>

The available options for the various components are described below. You can leave out any component, e.g. Player State, in which case the line will match all player states.

Remember that the skin.ini file is parsed from top to bottom. If there are multiple lines that match a particular row, the last line will have effect. So you should put more general rules to the top, and more specific rules to the bottom of the list.


Rules starting with Alternate will only affect every other row – they allow you to create a striped table like this:


(Note that the – more general – RowColor rule comes first, it would override the AlternateRowColor rule otherwise.)

Player State

The following values can be used for Player State in order to select a row based on the state of the player in which the item is loaded:

Loading Player is being loaded
Loaded Player is loaded and ready
Next Player is loaded and ready, and is next in sequence
Playing Player is playing
Fading Player is fading
EOF Player is at EOF
Error Player has an error, or prebuffering failed
Paused Player is paused
PFL Player is in PFL mode
Empty Item is not loaded into any player
Played Item has been played
Skipped Item was skipped
Overflow Item is “overflow” (will be skipped due to a following fixed time item)

There are two special “Player State” values that are used for rows that do not represent playlist items:

Underrun An “Underrun” indicator node
Region A region node (when you expand a Region Container playlist item)

Item Type

This component selects a row based on the Item Type as set in the item properties. Currently, the following values are available:


Item Class

In addition to the Item Type (which the user can edit in the Properties dialog), you can also select rows based on the Class of the playlist item:


Font Category

The following fonts can be adjusted through the skin:

PlayerName The font used for the name of the player that the item is loaded into
Backtiming The font used for the backtiming info displayed in the “Time” column
Title The font for the title of the item
Artist The font for the artist of the item
Duration The font for the Duration column
Ramp The font for the Ramp column
Ending The font for the Ending column
Attribute The font for
Comment The font for expanded comments
Warning Font used to display warnings, i.e. the Underrun warning etc.


When the Expandable Containers GUI option is turned on, and you click the + button to expand a container, there will be a hierachy of playlist items, and the playlist will act like a tree. (And the container could have another container inside!)

The optional Level component in the selector allows you to define rules only for a particular level in that tree, e.g. to use a smaller font for the items inside the container. Level 0 is the top level, level 1 is for the items inside a container on top level, level 2 for items inside a container inside a container and so on.

DefaultRowColor vs. RowColor

DefaultRowColor and RowColor appear to do the same thing, as they define the color for all nodes that have no specific skin.ini setting (note that RowColor has an empty selector, so it matches all rows). But there are two differences:

  1. DefaultRowColor only affects playlist item nodes, no “region” or “underrun” nodes.
  2. When the GUI option /Item-specific colors have priority over skin.ini/ is turned off (so that skin has always priority over item-specific colors/, and you have a plain RowColor rule, that rule would always override the item-specific colors. Use DefaultRowColor instead in this situation (it has always lower priority than the item-specific color).


The following settings control the position and appearence of the ramp/EOF overlay display:

OverlayFont Font to be used for the overlay
OverlayBackgroundColor Fixed background color; default: transparent
OverlayOutlineWidth Width of the font outline
OverlayOutlineColor Color of the font outline
OverlayPosition Inside the playlist display, as cardinal direction: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW. Default: C (center)
OverlayPaddingX Horizontal padding
OverlayPaddingY Vertical padding

Progress bar

Use the progress bar color settings described in the General section above.

Control bar/toolbar

To adjust the control bar (toolbar) of the playlist, use the following settings:

ToolbarBackgroundColor Background color
<Button>Button Appearance of the individual buttons, see General section above

The available buttons are:

AssistAuto Combined ASSIST/AUTO button
Assist ASSIST button
Auto AUTO button
Stop STOP button
Play PLAY button
Next NEXT button
Event Box with time of next event
EndTime End time box
HidePlayedItems Hide Played Items switch
MoveUp Move Up button
MoveDown Move Down button
EditBar Edit bar visibility switch
EditTiming Timing button (edit bar)
EditHourlyFixTime Hourly fixed time button (edit bar)
EditMoveUp Move Up button (edit bar)
EditMoveDown Move Down button (edit bar)

You can leave out the <Button> part to adjust all buttons at the same time.

Other settings

BackgroundColor Background of the playlist where no rows are
SelectedFontColor The font to be used for rows selected with the mouse
MainColumn Index of the column where the +/- tree buttons should appear, first is 0, default: 2 (icon column)
GridLineStyle dotted (default) or solid
ProgressBarHeight Height of the progress bar
ProgressBarMargin Number of pixels between progress bar and artist/title text
GridLines Show horizontal lines between rows, on or off (default: on)
VertGridLines Show vertical lines between columns, on or off (default: off)
HideSelection don't show selected rows when playlist loses focus; on or off (default: off)
ColWidths Widths of the individual columsin pixels, as comma-separated list of numbers; for the “auto size column”, use *; hide a column with 0
ColumnOrder Order of the columns, as comma-separated list of numbers
TitlePercentage How much of the width of the artist/title column should be used for the title in non-extended display? (default: 50)
IconSize Fixed size of the playlist icons, in number of pixels; default: 0 (auto-size)


Use the section [Player] to adjust the appearance of all players, [Player0_0] only for the first player of the first playlist (PLAYER 1-1, in terms of remote control), and so on.


The background color of the player can be adjusted with the following settings:

<Player State>Color Background color for the particular state
BorderColor Color for border outline

:!: Unfortunately, the following option is currently not available due to changes in mAirlist skin programming.
Player State can be left empty to adjust all colors at the same time, or use one of the following values:

Empty Player is empty
Loading Player is being loaded
Loaded Player is loaded and ready
Next Player is loaded and ready, and is next in sequence
Playing Player is playing
Fading Player is fading
EOF Player is at EOF
Error Player has an error
Paused Player is paused
Stopped Player is stopped (not used normally)
PFL Player is in PFL mode
FlashEOF Color used to indicate EOF warning


The fonts for the individual states can be adjusted as follows:

<Player State><Font Category>Font

where <Font Category> is one of the following (or empty to adjust all fonts at the same time):

Name Name of the player
Time Time display
Title Item title
Artist Item artist
State Player state (e.g. CUE, ON AIR)

For <Player State> use one of the values from the table in the Colors section above, or leave empty to adjust all states at the same time.

Progress bar

Use the progress bar color settings described in the General section above.


Use the waveform settings described in the General section above, prefix all settings with Waveform, e.g. WaveformInactiveColor=….


ButtonSize Size of the buttons in pixels
<Button>Button Settings for particular button

See the list in the General section for the available button settings.

<Button> can be one of the following (or empty to adjust all buttons at the same time):


Other settings

ProgressBarHeight Height of the progress bar
ProgressBarMargin Margin above progress bar
WaveformHeight Height of the waveform
WaveformMargin Margin above waveform
VolumeSliderWidth Width of volume slider
VolumeSliderThumbWidth Width of volume slider thumb (default: VolumeSliderWidth - 15)

XML Layout



Cartwall settings go into the [Cartwall] section.

General color settings

ErrorColor Color of players in ERROR state
PlayerDarkFontColor Used in STOPPED, PAUSED, ERROR state
InverseFontColorThreshold The brightness value (0..255) below which the background color is considered “dark” (see next setting), default: 128
PlayerInverseFontColor Used when current background color is darker than InverseFontColorThreshold
ResizeNodeActiveColor Color of active resize nodes in design mode
ResizeNodeInactiveColor Color of inactive resize nodes in design mode
WindowBackgroundColor Background color for the Cartwall window

On Air Mode dependent color settings

The following colors can be adjusted based on the current “on air” mode:

<Mode>PlayerColor Default player color if no specific color has been set for that cart
<Mode>BackgroundColor Background color for cartwall
<Mode>GridColor Grid line color
InactiveBrightness Brightness adjustment for inactive players, default: 0.6

where <Mode> is empty (adjust all modes at the same time) or one of the following:

OnAir ON AIR mode
OffAir OFF AIR mode
PFL PFL mode


IndexFont Font for the cart index/number
TitleFont Font for the item title and artist
TimeFont Font for the time display

Progress bar

Use the settings described in the General section of this document,


The cartwall toolbar can be adjusted through the [CartwallToolbar] section. For the settings, see section Button toolbars above. The IDs of the available buttons/elements in the toolbar are:


Other settings

IconMargin default: 4
TabFont Font used for the tabs of the individual pages
TabHeight Height of the tabs, set to 0 for auto height according to font
TabWidth Width of the tabs, default 200, set to 0 for auto width


Unless otherwise noted, all settings go into the [Browser] section.

General Settings

WindowBackgroundColor The general background color for the browser window
BackgroundColor List background
Font The font to be used
NodeHeight The height of the list entries; should be adjusted when FontSize is changed

You can also adjust the tree/list colors as described in the General section.

The following settings have only effect for the “new-style” browser window:



The settings for the browser toolbar go into the [BrowserToolbar] section.

Visible Set to off to hide toolbar
List “List” mode (small icons, text next to icon)
Captions Set to off to hide button captions
AutoSize Set to on to make buttons auto size
ShowAdd Set to off to hide /Add/ button
ShowRefresh Set to off to hide /Refresh/ button
ShowClose Set to off to hide /Close/ button

Comment Viewer

The Comment Viewer browser has two additional settings that go into the [CommentViewerBrowser] section:

Font The font to use
BackgroundColor The background color to use

Database Window

For the Library browser and Playlist view in the mAirListDB window, there are

Font The font to use
NodeHeight Node height – increase when using a bigger FontSize

The settings go either into the [DatabaseLibrary] (Library list only), [DatabaseTree] (Library tree), [LibraryPlaylist] (playlist) or [Database] (all three) section.

Screen Objects

Some of the custom screen objects have additional skin settings.

Encoder Status

Section name for this settings is [EncoderStatus].

MicButton Settings for MIC button (see General section)
LineButton Settings for LINE button (see General section)
BackgroundColor Background color to use

Mix Editor

The Mix Editor will respect all color settings in the [Waveform] section. See section on Waveform above. There are some extra color settings for the Mix Editor:

WaveformEmptySpaceColor (where no waveforms are)
WaveformTitleDividerColor line below titles
WaveformTimelineDividerColor line below timeline
WaveformWaveformDividerColor line in between waveforms

Mix-Editor-specific color settings can be added to the [MixEditor] section:


The Mix Editor in v6.0 and above allows editing of nested playlist items (containers). You can use separate settings for nested items by specifying the level number (first level has index 0):



The toolbar of the Mix Editor can be adjusted through the [MixEditorToolbar] section (see Button Toolbars above).

Names of the buttons are, from left to right:

reference/skin.ini_reference.1555595909.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/09 16:19 (external edit)

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