====== Logging Variables ====== ===== General variables ===== | %Y | Current year as YYYY | | %y | Current year as YY | | %M | Current month as MM | | %D | Current day as DD | | %h | Current hour as HH | | %m | Current minute as MM | | %s | Current second as SS | | %w | ISO 8601 week of the year | | %T{Format} | Current date/time, using ''FormatDateTime'' formatting (see below) | | %S{Format} | Start time in ''FormatDateTime'' formatting (used for stop logging) | | %t | Tab character (ASCII 9) | | %r | CR character (ASCII 13) | | %n | Newline Character (ASCII 10) | | %% | Creates a ''%'' sign in the output | | %g | Unique identifier of the associated playback operation | | %R{Key} | Runtime data | | %# | Total number of current listeners on all encoder connections | | %${Digits} | Index of file (used for file export with custom filename pattern) | | %x | Computer name | | %X | Instance name | ===== Information about the item being played ===== | %a | Artist | | %b | Title | | %l | Total duration, in seconds with fractions | | %l{Format} | Total duration, in ''FormatDateTime'' format | | %L | Total duration, as HH:MM:SS | | %d | Actual playback duration, in DirectSound units seconds (for stop logging) | | %e | Actual playback duration, in seconds with fractions (for stop logging) | | %e{Format} | Actual playback duration, in ''FormatDateTime'' format (for stop logging) | | %p | Effective playback duration, in seconds with fractions | | %p{Format} | Effective playback duration, in ''FormatDateTime'' format (from v6.3 on) | | %P | Effective playback duration, as HH:MM:SS | | %F | Projected finish time (start time + duration), in ''FormatDateTime'' format | | %c{Type} | Cue marker, in sections with fractions | | %E | End type | | %I | Item type (internal identifier) | | %J | Item type (human readable) | | %u{Key} | Attribute value | | %C | Comment | | %U | Internal Database ID | | %V | External ID | | %k | Icon filename | | %K | Icon data as BASE64 string | | %1 | Filename with path | | %2 | Filename without path | | %3 | Filename without path and extension | | %4 | Filename without path, first character only | | %i{Key} | Raw file tag data | ===== Additional variables for HTTP POST multipart/form-data logging ===== The following variables are only supported in HTTP POST multipart/form-data logging. They must be typed into the "value" field as is, with no other strings/variables around them. | %ALBUMART | Album art (if available), as binary form data (from v6.3.3) | ===== Additional variables for playlist/advertising import (filename pattern) ===== | %B | Block number | | %2B | Block number, two digits, leading 0 | | %3B | Block number, three digits, leading 0 | | %N | Region number | | %2N | Region number, two digits, leading 0 | | %3N | Region number, three digits, leading 0 | ===== FormatDateTime ===== Some variables expect a time format string in Delphi's FormatDateTime notation, see http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/RTL.asp?Name=FormatDateTime ===== Subsequent items ===== By using ''+'' signs in the variables, you can access the data of the subsequent (next) items in the playlist. For example ''%+a'' retrieves the artist of the next item, not the current one, ''%++a'' the artist of the item after the next item, and so on. For performance reasons, the number of items considered/available is limited to 3 by default. You can adjust this value through a manual setting in mAirList.ini: [Options] NextLoggingLimit=10 Please note that this limit applies to the **overall** number of subsequent items available for logging, before any possible item type filtering. So if you want to log e.g. the next 3 "Music" items, but there are times when there are 4 non-music items in between (jingles, news, advertising, etc.), you must set the limit to 7 or higher.